Eating and drinking my way through life and learning all the while

Historic snowfall in Madrid brings out the big kid in everyone

I woke up this morning to at least 15 inches of snow on my terrace and opening my front door to go out – I was hit with blizzard like conditions. Storm Philomena has brought Madrid the heaviest snow it’s seen in 40 years, and this historic snowfall brings out the big kid in everyone – especially my husband and I!

Walking down my road in Malasaña, just a street back from Gran Via – the damage from last night’s snowstorm is clear – trees are felled and phone lines are down.

I’m not sure how much snow has fallen exactly but it’s definitely more than the 8 inches forecast, it’s been past my knees in places and I’m not that short!

A few minutes away, the street opposite my office is entirely blocked by fallen trees and old folk are cautiously trying to navigate their way safely past it.

But carnage aside, it’s snow! Magical, wonderful snow that brings out the big kid in everyone.

After unsuccessfully trying to purchase some snow shoes and coat for my husband I got him outside anyway for a snowball fight and snowy walk to the park, which as it turns out was shut for safety measures but the walk there was fun all the same.

This is Gran Via the main Street in Madrid.

The snow is still coming down and pretty heavy too, you can barely see if walking with the wind in your face the conditions are that blizzard-like. I kept my head down and was looking just a few feet in front of me for the short walk to the Retiro. There is no traffic on the road right now anyway, just the occasional emergency vehicle.

This is my first winter in Madrid and I swear I could live here another 10 years and never see scenes like this again.

Walking towards the park we see kids sledging, a few people skiing – it’s really a mad winter wonderland out there in Madrid today.

It was mostly grown ups I saw building snowmen, here are a few of my favourites – it’s a kinda funny sign of the times that here in Madrid even the snowmen wear facemasks.

Heading back home, we realise we need to get supplies as the snow is set to continue for another 12 hours or so, we could well end up snowed in and pretty much everywhere is shut.

I only find three places open in Malasaña, two bazaars and a local sex shop – so just the essentials then!

Safely back home in the warm now, my husband is cooking a roast and later we’ll build a snowman on our terrace and maybe have another mini snowball fight.

Generally, I’m not a fan of the cold but snow I LOVE! And I’ve not seen snow quite like this since I was a kid, spending Christmas in the Black Forest in Germany. The last time I remember decent snow in the UK was almost 11 year ago to the day – when my niece was born (her birthday was two days ago) and it was a struggle for the midwives to get to the hospital as the snow was coming down so heavily.

I will leave it until the fresh snow falls before venturing back out for more snow day fun as it’s getting pretty icy out there now on the paths that have been cleared and I have seen a good few people fall already today.

Stay safe and enjoy the snow fun if you can!

Stay safe and enjoy the snow!


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3 responses

  1. Gonna enjoy following LIFE IN MADRID stories… can’t beat a massive dump of snow. Makes the world sound so peaceful as it muffles the snow. Does it snow in Mexico?

    1. Thanks – think they’ll be some interesting LIFE IN MADRID stories to come, lots going on here. Apparently it does snow in Mexico although only at high altitudes!

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